Congratulations to the winners of the contests «Activist of the year – 2021», «The best student – 2021», «The best group – 2021», «The best advisor-curator – 2021»

On October 12, 2021, the results of the annual contests were summed up by the decision of the competition commission at the Turan University.


The winners of the nomination «The best student of the year 2020-2021»:


  1. Bushmina Yana Dmitrievna, student of the faculty of Digital technologies and arts, 4th year of specialization «Directing»;
  2. Turysbekova Binur Akhatovna, student of the faculty of Humanities and law, 4th year specialization «Journalism»;
  3. Tauekelova Akniet Muratzhanovna, student of the faculty of Economics, 4th year of specialization «Economics»;
  4. Byshenko Anastasia Alexandrovna, student of the faculty of Graduate school of business, 3rd year of specialization «Restaurants and hotels business»


The winners of the nomination become holders of a nominal rector’s scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year.


The winners of the nomination «The best group of the year 2020-2021»:


  1. From the Faculty of Digital technology and art: Directing 17-1, 5th course;
  2. From the Faculty of Humanities and law: Journalism 201 (4)-2, 2nd course;
  3. From the Faculty of Faculty of economics: Logistics 182(4), 4th course;
  4. From the faculty of STEM: Finance 203(4), 2nd course.


The winners of the nomination are invited to a business breakfast with the Deans, which will take place on October 25 at 11:00.


The winners of the nomination «The best advisor-curator of the year 2020-2021»:


  1. Basarova Diana Talgatkyzy, senior lecturer of the higher school «TFA», the advisor of the groups Directing 19-1, Directing 19-2, Cinematography 19-1.
  2. Musaev Mukhamedali Akhmetzhanovich, lecturer of the department «Tourism and service», advisor of the groups Tourism 201 (4), Tourism 202 (4), Restaurants and hotels business 201 (4), Restaurants and hotels business 202 (4).
  3. Elshibekova Kuralai Zhanatovna, lecturer of the department «Management», the advisor of the groups «Management 191(4), Management 192 (4), Management 202 (3), Management 212 (2), State and local administration 191 (4).


The winners of the nomination «Activist of the Year – 2021», who deserved an honorary dinner without a tie with the rector of our university in one of the best restaurants in Almaty «Primavera»:


  1. Turysbekova Binur Akhatkyzy
  2. Tyulutaeva Venera Maratovna
  3. Bulantaeva Kamilla Maksutovna
  4. Satylganova Asem Nurzhanovna
  5. Hasanov Ravil Mammadovich
  6. Remizov Adam Rustamovich
  7. Salybek Indira Seitkhankyzy
  8. Tulepbergenov Bekzat Kairatovich
  9. Mamesh Aizhan Maratkyzy
  10. Shevchenko Sergey Romanovich


The winners of the nomination «Activist of the Year – 2021» with the presentation of a diploma:


  1. Amanzhol Aktoty
  2. Kozhekhmet Hadiya Yernarkyzy
  3. Kamilla Amirzhanova
  4. Abdykaimova Rashida Erkinovna
  5. Berdieva Dana Rabkhatbekkyzy
  6. Sharipova Rusalina Ilgamovna
  7. Kenzhigalieva Kamilla Sakenovna
  8. Kyaleshova Leila Dzhumshudovna
  9. Pivovarova Elizaveta Valeryevna
  10. Tsvirenko Alina Vitalievna
  11. Kalymzhanova Asylzhan Bakhtygalikyzy
  12. Almakhanova Aidan Sakenkyzy
  13. Mazhitova Asima Zheksenbekovna


Congratulations on your victory in the contest, we wish you not to stop there, always go forward in life, constantly strive for high goals and achievements.

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