Students of the “Turan” University took 1st place at the republican debate tournament

On November 13-14 2021, the Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University hosted the republican debate tournament for the Rector’s Cup “Tauelsizdik – Mangilik eldin tugyry”, organized by the discussion center “Akikat” and dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and November 17 – International Students’ Day.


54 fractions from 16 educational institutions of eight regions of the republic took part in the tournament.


In the nominations of the best fractions were awarded a cash prize:

  • I place – «Turan» University, IDC “Sirius”, 300 000 tenge;
  • II place – «Narkhoz» University, 200 000 tenge;
  • III place – «Korkyt ata» University, 100 000 tenge.

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