Online Winter School «Youth Entrepreneurship»

On November 24 – December 3, 2021 “Turan” University, together with the Center for Entrepreneurship “QOLDAY” organized the Winter School “Youth Entrepreneurship” for students of Kazakhstani higher educational institutions. The attendees: about 589 participants from the following higher educational institutions: al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatova, AlmaU, Eurasian Technological University, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati, “Turan” University and others.


As part of the online winter school, students were trained in 6 modules of entrepreneurship: the basics of entrepreneurship, value propositions, promotion channels, the basics of financial literacy, key partners, business performance indicators. Business trainers with extensive experience in private, public and non-governmental organizations conducted the training.


On December 6, the participants defended their business projects. As the result, they got their participation certificates and Minor “Entrepreneurship” certificates. The trainers at the winter school:


  • Zholdasbekova Gulbakhyt Zholdasbekovna. Experience in microcredit and government organizations, conducted trainings at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, worked in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Halyk Bank, taught at the Narxoz University in the Department of Securities Market and Banking, 2017-2018, underwent foreign internships in Big Data and Research in South Korea and the Czech Republic (Modern Methods in Scientific Writing of Research Articles and Ph.D Dissertations ”provided by Czech of life Sciences in Prague).
  • Musabekov Malik Moldagalievich. Experience in microcredit and non-governmental organizations, conducted trainings at NCE “Atameken”, Damu, Nazarbayev University, EFCA and the Association of Volunteers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conducted projects “Zhas Project”, Business Incubator. Overall experience as a business coach for over 8 years. Conducted over 700 trainings in Kazakhstan. Awarded the medal “In the field of further education” by the French Society for the Support of National Industry, 2014 (SOCIETE D’ENCOURAGEMENT POUR L’INDUSTRIE NATIONALE Fonde par Napaleon Bonaparte en 1801 Paris).
  • Tokpanova Indira. Experience of work in private and non-governmental organizations, conducted trainings in NCE “Atameken” and in the center “Business Art”. She was engaged in promotion, sales and planning in production organizations “KazpromKompleks”, Derzhava Trade. Has its own business with branches in Shymkent and Taldykorgan.
  • Zubarev Sergey. Work experience as Marketing Director at Evodream Holding, Business Molodist Kazakhstan, Author of courses on Digital Marketing, Targeted Advertising, Traffic Systems and Sales Funnels. Participation in various marketing stages in more than 150 projects.
  • Shalkarov Ruslan Baglanovich. Experience in private and non-governmental organizations, conducted trainings at NCE “Atameken”, at Kazpost on the promotion of goods on sites (Ebay, Etsy, Amazon), is working on connecting sites to Google Analytics and Yandex metrics, to payment systems, creating streams on Youtube.
  • Rabaeva Saparkul Edilkhanovna. Work experience in private and public organizations, was the development director at BAQORDA Media Group LLP.
  • Lazareva Lyudmila Viktorovna. Conducted trainings at NCE “Atameken”, has its own training center for coaching, worked as director of the business administration department, executive director for financial and economic part, has certificates, conducts consultations on the preparation of regulatory documents, on the creation of small and medium-sized businesses, Member of the International Union of Writers “New Contemporary”.
Online admissions