Win at the Republican competition “The best university faculty member -2021”

The faculty member of our university, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Kasymzhanova Anargul Aliakparovna became the winner of the republican competition “The best university faculty member – 2021”.


718 faculty members from 76 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated in this competition. Of all the applicants, 150 faculty members became winners. Evaluation of faculty members’ activities was carried out according to different parameters. This includes the development of educational and methodological literature, video lectures, patents, copyright certificates, scientific supervision, etc.


Anargul Aliakparovna is a candidate of psychological sciences, professor of the Department of Psychology, a member of the Association of Psychologists of Kazakhstan, a specialist in NLP, Erickson hypnosis, systemic family psychology, clinical psychologist, practitioner and Enneagram master.


We congratulate Anargul Aliakparovna on a well-deserved win and wish her creative success!

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