“USkills-up Marketing Battle”: marketing battle at Turan University

On February 16, 2022, the Department of Marketing and Logistics of Turan University holds the First International Marketing Tournament for students of universities, colleges “USkills-up Marketing Battle” online.


The purpose of the tournament is to identify the potential and raise the professional level of students of universities and colleges. The tournament is held for those who want to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems in the field of marketing, as well as to promote the profession of a marketing specialist. Expert support of the competition is provided by marketing specialists, entrepreneurs, representatives of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association and business structures.


The “USkills-up Marketing Battle” tournament includes 2 rounds:

  1. preliminary, correspondence qualifying round based on presentation evaluation;
  2. full-time tour – “Tournament-Battle “Marketing Trends 2022″” (Stand Up Battle).


The evaluation of the participants’ performances is carried out according to a 100-point system according to the following criteria:

  • oratorical data (the ability to interest the audience, make them listen, the ability to convince);
  • culture of speech (diction, correctness, compliance with regulations);
  • psychological characteristics (stress resistance (degree of excitement), inner self-feeling (free, constrained), artistry (emotionality of presentation, firmness of voice, gestures).


The winners of the tournament will receive diplomas, other participants will receive certificates of participation.


The following teams took part in the battle:

  • “Marketing souls”, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia);
  • “MarkeTerra”, Stavropol State Agrarian University (Russia);
  • “Marketers”, UO “Almaty Management University”:
  • “AIS”, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Faculty of Marketing;
  • “Genius Clan”, Turan University;
  • “Unique”, Turan University;
  • “People Resources”, Turan University.


The jury was represented by the following composition:

Chairman of the jury – Tleuberdinova Aizhan Tokhtarovna – Doctor of Economics, Professor, employee of IE MES RK


Jury members:

  1. Mukhamedkarimova Anelia Malikovna – Marketing Expert of the EBRD program “Women in Business”, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association, a teacher of business disciplines with the status of Apple Teacher.
  2. Salauatova Dinara Muslimovna – Head of the Department of “Management and Innovation” of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, PhD associate Professor
  3. Akhmetova Zauresh Bolatkhanovna – Head of the Department of “Business and Technology” of the HSE KazNU named after Al-Farabi, PhD, Associate Professor
  4. Bekkuliyeva Bakhyt Moldasalievna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Turan University
  5. Davletova Mayra Turysbekovna – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Turan University.


The winners and prize – winners of the battle were:

  • 1st place: the “MarkeTerra” team, scientific supervisor, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Ekaterina Grigoryevna Agalarova:
  • 2nd place: Marketing souls team, scientific supervisor Galina Alexandrovna Voloshina, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
  • 2nd place: People Resources team, PhD supervisor Konyrbekov Medet Zhaugashtievich;
  • 3rd place: team “Marketers”, scientific supervisor Yolju Saule Azimbekovna, PhD, Assistant Professor, UO “Almaty Management University”:
  • 3rd place: team “AIS”, scientific supervisor PhD, Associate Professor of Marketing Department Rykalina Olga Vladimirovna, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
  • 3rd place: “Genius Clan” team, scientific supervisor, PhD supervisor Konyrbekov Medet Zhaugashtievich.


Congratulations to the winners and wish them further success in studying marketing!

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