24 young debaters have won a grant from the rector of “Turan” University

A republican debate tournament among schoolchildren in English and Kazakh was held at «Turan» University with the support of the Republican Academic and Methodological Center for Additional Education (RAMCAE) MES RK. The organizer was www.tournaman.kz, a professional platform for conducting debate tournaments.


More than 100 schoolchildren from the cities of Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Taraz, Karaganda, Shymkent, Kostanay, Petropavlovsk participated in the tournament.


According to the results of the debate in English, the winners were:

  • 1st place – «NGDT» team from New Generation School (NGS), Almaty city.
    «NGDT» team members: Adar Khalikov, Anuar Aktay, Kamilla Martirosyan.
  • 2nd place – team «The millennium» from Almaty boarding school for girls (Alkiz), Almaty city.
    Members of the «The millennium» team: Naila Seysenkul, Enlik Baizulina, Azra Bahar Altindag.
  • The 3rd place was taken by 2 teams «MAZ neurons» from Almaty Boarding School for girls (Alkiz), Almaty city, and «B.A.T.» from Lyceum № 134, Almaty city.
    Members of the «MAZ neurons» team: Aigerim Dandesova, Zehra Demir, Mavlyuda Gaipova.
    Members of the «B.A.T.» team: Tamara Shabosova, Anel Asankanova, Bayan Davletbaeva.

According to the results of the debate in Kazakh language, the winners were:

  • 1st place – team «Themis» from Zh. Tashenov secondary school № 20, Petropavlovsk.
    Members of the «Themis» team: Nursultan Sikhanov, Dilnaz Tabyldy, Damira Kosken.
  • 2nd place –team «Shugyla» from the gymnasium school № 174, Almaty city.
    Members of the «Shugyla» team: Ayaru Amankul, Akbota Smanova, Merey Kuat.
  • The 3rd place was taken by 2 teams «Alash Daryn» from «Daryn» Secondary School, Karaganda city, and «Zhas Daryn» from A. Makarenko Lyceum school № 41, Shymkent city.
    Members of the «Alash Daryn» team: Bekgadil Kasymbek, Imangali Kurmangaliev, Arailym Kabykenova.
    Members of the «Zhas daryn» team: Bekasyl Adem, Karlygash Ismenbetova, Bagzhan Zhumanazar.

The winners became the holders of a grant from the rector of «Turan» University.


We wish the debaters further success!

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