Celebration of “Nauryz” at “Turan” University

On March 30th at “Turan” University an event devoted to the main spring holiday “Nauryz Meyramy” was held. The square in front of the university was transformed beyond recognition. Yurt, altybakan, traditional Nauryz kozhe and bauyrsaks filled this holiday with special atmosphere.


Student organizations took an active part in the entertainment program, creating a festive atmosphere. Everyone could take pictures with batyrs, golden eagles and Kazakh hound tazy.


The entertainment program also included various contests: tug-of-war, quizzes on knowledge of details of celebration of Nauryz, competition for the best costume, etc. Participants who actively performed won branded products from Turan University: sweatshirts, hoodies, backpacks, and other gifts.


Nauryz is one of the greatest holidays, connected with renewal, awakening of nature and beginning of spring. We congratulate you all on this bright holiday!


Author: Julia Starostina

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