II stage of the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad for the “Finance” Educational program

According to the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 14-2 / 287-VN dated February 25, 2022, in 2022, the base for the Republican student subject Olympiad in the educational program “Finance” is the ««Turan» University» Institution.


On April 22, 2022, the II stage of the XIV Republican student subject Olympiad on the “Finance” educational program on the topic: “Finance of Kazakhstan: searching for answers to new challenges” will be held at the ««Turan» University» Institution.


Olympiad procedural languages are Kazakh and Russian.


The winners will be awarded diplomas of the “Turan” University:

  • for the 1st place – I degree (no more than one student);
  • for the 2nd place – II degree (no more than two students);
  • for the 3rd place – III degree (no more than three students).;

The Diploma Award ceremony will be held at the end of the Olympiad. All participants of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad receive certificates for participation.


The best projects will be awarded with prizes and certificates from the leading partners of the Kazakhstani financial market.


The partners of the XIV RSSO are:

  • Project for Improving the financial literacy of the population of the Department for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market
  • IDF Eurasia International Financial Group
  • The first and largest online alternative lending service in Kazakhstan “Solva”
  • JSC “Insurance company “Kommesk-Omir”
  • JSC “Insurance company” Centras Insurance “

Congratulations to the preliminary round winners:

  • Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov, the project “Investment attractiveness as an important factor in ensuring the financial stability of the region”;
  • «Toraigyrov University» non-profit joint-stock company, the project “Financial modeling of public-private partnership projects”;
  • «Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov» OJSC, the project “The impact of the crisis on the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
  • M. Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after Dulatov, the project “Financial Literacy”;
  • Astana International University, the project “Kazakhstan Finance: Searching for answers to new challenges”;
  • “S. Toraighyrov University” NPJSC, the project “Financial aspects of support for children with developmental disabilities”;
  • Almaty Management University, the project “Factors of development of innovative and financial evolution in the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
  • Academician EA Karaganda University named after Buketov, the project “Prospects for the development of Islamic finance in the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
  • Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, the project “Technical analysis as the main tool of financiers”;
  • Narkhoz University, the project “Digitalization and modern trends in banking technologies”;
  • Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz, the project “Prospects for the development of digitalization of the banking sector of Kazakhstan in the conditions of development of global risks”;
  • ««Turan» University» Institution, the project ” New opportunities of the financial sector in response to new challenges of the time”.
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