The educational programs of Turan University have been tested as part of the post-accreditation monitoring of the IAAR

On April 15, 2022, an online visit of the external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) took place as part of the post-accreditation monitoring of 18 educational programs of Turan University.


Among them, educational programs accredited in 2019 for a period of 7 years:

  • 6B04103 – Economics;
  • 6B04101 – Management, 6B04105 – Accounting and audit;
  • 6B06101 – Information systems, 6B06102 – Computer equipment and software;
  • 6B03103 – Psychology, 7M03102 – Psychology, 7M03102 – Psychology, 6D050300 8D03101 – Psychology, 6B03201 – Journalism, 7M03201 – Journalism, 7M03206 – Journalism;
  • 6B04107 – Marketing, 7M04105 – Marketing, 7M04112 – Marketing, 6B11101 – Tourism, 7M11101– Tourism, 7M11102 – Tourism.

The purpose of post-accreditation monitoring is to confirm the improvement of the university’s educational programs in accordance with the requirements of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), the needs of students and the requests of stakeholders, as well as the implementation of the recommendations of the external expert commission of the IAAR.

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