Guest lecture “Development of E-commerce in Kazakhstan”

April 19, 2022 associate professor of the department “Marketing and logistics” M. Davletova organized a Master Class on the discipline “International Marketing” for students 3 course in the specialty “Marketing”. Theme of the Master Class: “Development of  E-commerce in Kazakhstan”. Invited lecturer – General Director of Tiketon LLP Torgunakova Victoria Konstantinovna. She spoke about the current state, problems, trends and prospects for the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan, the work of online stores, and gave many interesting statistics and practical examples. The Master Class caused keen interest and positive feedback from students. They listened attentively, asked questions, actively participated in the discussion and expressed their opinion. The Master Class was held at a high scientific and theoretical level, it was very interesting, informative and useful, it had a problematic character, which corresponds to the principles of practice-oriented learning.

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