On april 22, 2022, The International round table “Development of innovative and entrepreneurial education: international experience” was held within the framework of the international conference “Trends in the development of education: the best russian and international practices”

On April 22, 2022, a round table “DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE and ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE” was held in a distance format, organized by the Departments of “World and National Economy” and “Management” in close cooperation with a strategic partner university, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University. The International Forum has become a dialogue platform for a comprehensive and broad discussion of topical issues of the development of innovative and entrepreneurial activities of universities, the transformation of the functions of a teacher in the direction of entrepreneurial competencies of a researcher, consultant, head of innovative projects, the formation of entrepreneurial thinking among students, the training of competitive graduates who own business organization technologies, improving institutional conditions for the realization of the innovative potential of university, scientific and business sectors, as well as building an effective international collaboration of partner universities.


Welcoming remarks were made by:

  • Petrova Olga Viktorovna – Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, who noted the importance of discussing the problems of developing innovative and entrepreneurial activities of universities and wished fruitful work;
  • Razakova Dina Ibragimovna – Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovations of the “Turan”University expressed her wishes for a fruitful exchange of experience between the leading universities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The Round table was attended by representatives of educational organizations from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”.


The Round table meeting was held under the leadership of Akimzhan Arupovich Arupov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Kazakhstan, Academician of IAI.


At the beginning of the discussion, Associate Professor of the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” of Turan University Toktybekov T.A. in his report considered the issues of interaction of theory and practice in the educational process during personnel training.


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration of MGIMO Arupova N.R. shared the experience of her university in the development of the innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem of the university.

Professor of NNGU named after Lobachevsky National Research University Chepyuk O.R. in her speech focused on methods and approaches to teaching innovative entrepreneurship at the university.


Continuing the discussion, Professor of the University “Turan”, Director of the Research Institute of Informatization of Education Abdiev K.S. expressed his opinion on the compliance of the pedagogical activity of the teacher of the entrepreneurial university with the requirements of the professional standard.


Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit of Lobachevsky University Kravchenko V.S. introduced Russian programs and examples of support for scientific and technical projects of young researchers.

Then the head of the Department of “Economics”  of KazUEFMT Mukhamedzhanova A.A. spoke with the problem of management organization in modern educational institutions.


The report of Lee Jong-koo, Head of the Department of International Business and Marketing of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University was devoted to the role and structure of innovative entrepreneurial education at the regional university.

During the further discussion, Prokhorova M.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Management Psychology at Lobachevsky University, shared the results of the study of the trajectory of events in which the mentor supports innovative entrepreneurial projects, as well as the professionally important qualities of the mentor of innovative entrepreneurial projects identified.

The 3rd-year doctoral student of the EP”Management” of the University “Turan” Zhakhanova Z.R. told about the features of human capital management in universities 3.0.

In the final report of the representative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, the most important problems of employment of university graduates were raised.


The exchange of views between representatives of Russian, Belarusian and domestic universities turned out to be extremely fruitful. The discussion on all issues was lively and relevant, young researchers, doctoral students, undergraduates of partner universities took an active part in it.


Following the results of the Round Table, for inclusion in the general resolution of the conference, a number of recommendations were proposed aimed at further cooperation of partner universities in the development of innovative and entrepreneurial education.

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