Love, music and accounting are eternal

On May 20, 2022, the Department of “Accounting and Audit” of the University “Turan” together with the National Auditing Company “Centraudit-Kazakhstan” held an International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the scientific activities of the Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan Radostovets Vladimir Konstantinovich. The theme of the conference is “Transformation of Accounting, Auditing and Analysis in the Digital Economy”. The conference was attended by leading economists and professors from the universities of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, as well as practitioners working in the field of accounting and auditing. At the conference, words of remembrance about the teacher and colleague Radostovets V.K. The main attention was paid to solving problems related to the digitalization of accounting, auditing and economic analysis. Based on the materials of the conference, a collection of scientific papers will be published.

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