International round table on “Digital technologies and innovative methods in marketing”

On May 20, 2022, an international round table on the topic “Digital technologies and innovative methods in marketing” was held.


The event was held in the format of an online video conference on the Zoom platform.


The organizers of the international round table were the Department of Marketing and Logistics and the Department of Science of Turan University:

  • Razakova Dina Ibragimovna – Vice-Rector of Turan University for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation, Candidate of Economics, PhD;
  • Davletova Maira Turysbekovna – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics;
  • Mukhamedkarimova Anelia Malikovna – Marketing expert of the EBRD program “Women in Business”, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association.

Moderator – Kadyrova K.Zh., M.E., senior lecturer of the Department “Marketing and Logistics” of the University “Turan”.


The proposed topic of the round table is relevant, is not only of theoretical interest, but also has practical significance for the marketing activities of Kazakhstani companies.


The speakers were representatives of business structures, practitioners, heads of leading foreign and Kazakhstani companies, including from Russia, Ukraine, Iran:

  • Artur Arkadievich Sarkisyan – Commercial Director of the company “Calltouch” (Russia, Moscow). Topic: “How to analyze traffic and identify working channels of attraction”;
  • Rasoul Sanavi Fard – Business consultant of “Vermell Co” company (Iran, Tehran). Topic of speech: «Innovative Methods in Marketing»;
  • Znamerovskaya Anna Aleksandrovna – PR Director of the Internet Marketing Agency “Netpeak” (Ukraine, Kiev). Topic: “Modern PR tools in IT companies”;
  • Olesya Vadimovna Kolesnichenko – PR expert of the Advertising Association of Central Asia, author of the book “PR in Asian” (Kazakhstan, Almaty). Topic: “PR trends in 2022”;
  • Torgunakova Victoria Konstantinovna – General Director of Tiketon LLP. Topic: “Development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan”;
  • Korolev Vasily Valentinovich – General Director of TransAl LLP. Topic: “Logistics audit as a logistics marketing tool”;
  • Kazybayeva Aiman Melisovna – PhD, Dean of the School of Management, Head of the Neuromarketing Laboratory of Almaty Management University. Topic: “Neuromarketing Laboratory: from theory to practice”.

The round table was attended by teaching staff of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of Turan University, as well as invited teachers from other universities, including L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty Management University, K.Sagadiev University of International Business, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, Caspian Public University, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty Technological University, Kainar University, etc. I would especially like to mention the guest of honor of this scientific event – Rector of Adam University from Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek Sirmbard Svetlana Rustamovna. In general, the event was attended by more than 50 people.


During the speakers’ speech, topical issues in modern marketing, global trends were actively discussed and specific practical recommendations were offered.


The round table was held at a high scientific and practical level, in a business atmosphere, dynamically. The speakers’ speeches were interesting, informative, useful, and caused a lively discussion. All participants asked questions of interest to them, especially a lot of questions were from students.


During the speakers’ speech, topical issues in modern marketing, global trends were actively discussed and specific practical recommendations were offered.


The round table was held at a high scientific and practical level, in a business atmosphere, dynamically. The speakers’ speeches were interesting, informative, useful, and caused a lively discussion. All participants asked questions of interest to them, especially a lot of questions were from students.


Summing up the results of the international round table, the participants decided to:

  • develop a system for students to complete internship programs and internships in companies abroad;
  • improving the methodology of teaching marketing disciplines;
  • development of recommendations on the use of digital technologies and innovative methods in marketing together with business structures and representatives of the educational sphere.

The participants expressed a common opinion that following the results of the round table, it is necessary to implement the recommendations and proposals of the speakers in the marketing activities of Kazakhstani companies.

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