Results of the first stage of the “best graduate” competition

Congratulations on the successful completion of the first stage of the “Best Graduate” competition to the participants who scored the most points according to the decision of the expert commission.

Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art:

  1. Kamilla Tolegenovna Maymakova, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts, bachelor’s degree, “Direction”, Bachelor’s degree, 5th year
  2. Shagilbaev Amir Ulanovich, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts, bachelor’s degree, “Direction”, Bachelor’s degree, 5th year (Direction)
  3. Shadymurat Dinara Rustamkyzy, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts, bachelor’s degree, “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  4. Manapova Darina Batyrbekovna, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts, Master’s degree, “Direction”, Master’s degree, 2nd year
  5. Shtark Vladislav Aleksandrovich, Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts, Master’s program, “Computer Engineering and Software”, Master’s degree, 2nd year

Faculty of Humanities and Law:

  1. Amangeldieva Ainur Amangeldievna, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “International Relations”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  2. Auzbayeva Danara Satybaldievna, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “International Relations”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  3. Kapasbek Aru Bakytkyzy, Humanities and Law, bachelor’s degree, “Restaurant business and hotel business”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  4. Maksudova Kristina Maksimovna, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “International Relations”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  5. Saitova Aruzhan Ruslankyzy, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “Jurisprudence”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  6. Serik Dayana Tolegenkyzy, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “International law”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  7. Turysbekova Binur Akhatkyzy, Humanitarian-legal, bachelor’s degree, “Journalism”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year

Faculty of Economics:

  1. Amurtaev Eldar, Economics, bachelor’s degree, “Finance”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  2. Bayzhienova Aruzhan Beibutkyzy, Economics, bachelor’s degree, “Finance”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  3. Kun Vladimir Yakovlevich, Economics, bachelor’s degree, “Finance”, graduate
  4. Kusainov Mukhamedali, Economics, bachelor’s degree, “Information systems”, Bachelor’s degree, 4th year
  5. Murzagalieva Zarina, Economics, bachelor’s degree, “Accounting and audit”, graduate
  6. Zhomartova Ardak Ualikhankyzy, Economics, master’s degree, “Accounting and audit”, Master’s degree, 2nd year
  7. Khalikov Rifat Ildarovich, Economics, master’s degree, “Information systems”, Master’s degree, 2 course

The winners of the first stage need to prepare for self-presentation of their profession and about themselves as a specialist. The duration of the self-presentation is up to 5 minutes.

On June 15, 2022, a meeting with the jury of the final stage of the competition will take place.

Additional information can be obtained from the Turan-Zerde University Alumni Association:

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