Awarding a Letter of Appreciation from the Head of the UN Department of Global Communications Mr. Vlastimil Samek

On July 7, 2022, a meeting was held at Turan University between the Head of the UN Department of Global Communications Mr. Vlastimil Samek and the Rector of the University, Professor Alshanov R.A. During the meeting, the rector awarded Vlastimil Samek with a special Letter of Appreciation for his support in achieving a valuable international partnership in line with the goal of internationalizing the university.


On March 29, 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Turan University and the UN Office in Kazakhstan and the Center for Cooperation with International Organizations was opened. Also, Turan University expanded mutual cooperation by joining the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) movement. On April 22-23, 2022, the international conference “Turan Model Unated Nations 2022” was held at Turan University with the support of the UN Office in Kazakhstan. At the meeting, a further plan for the implementation of joint projects between the UN Office in Kazakhstan and Turan University was discussed.

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