The best scientist of Turan University – 2022

On August 25, 2022, the winners of the annual Turan Best Scientist competition were awarded at Turan University.


According to the results of the competition held among the outstanding scientists of the University “Turan”, the following applicants were awarded:


  1. Aizhanna Bulekbaevna Zhuminova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of «Journalism and Translation», was awarded the diploma of the Ist degree.
  2. The diploma of the IInd degree was won by Vladimir Nikolaevich Vukolov, Director of the Research Institute of Tourism, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Tourism and Service».
  3.  The diploma of the III degree was received by Doctor of PhD, Eralina Elmira Maratovna Associate Professor, Head of the Department of «Management».

Congratulations to the participants on winning the Turan Best Scientist – 2022 contest. We wish the winners further success in their scientific and professional activities!

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