JTI with a master class “How to find a dream job? Writing a resume and preparing for an interview”

On October 5, for everyone, a master class from JTI will be held on the topic “How to find a dream job? Writing a resume and preparing for an interview”




  • Tazhikhan Balnur, Employer Branding Specialist;
  • Rakhmetullaeva Aliya, Training and Development Specialist

What will we discuss?


  • The labor market of young specialists
  • How to make your resume successful?
  • What are the subtleties and nuances?
  • What are the most common mistakes?

What do HR managers pay attention to?


  • Examples of good resumes
  • Examples of failed resumes

October 5, 2022 at 12.40


Assembly hall of the Turan University


Those wishing to participate need to register for free at the link.

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