Announcement of an expanded meeting of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law of the University “Turan”

Extended meeting of the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” of the University “Turan”

Date: 30.09.2022

Time: 11.00

Doctoral student: Zhunisbayeva Gulzat Nurstanovna


Topic of dissertation research: “The role and importance of the institution of probation in the process of resocialization of citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty”


Direction: 6D030100 – Jurisprudence.


Domestic scientific supervisor: Akimzhanov Talgat Kurmanovich – Professor of the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” University “Turan”, Doctor of Law, Director of the Research Institute of Law, Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Foreign supervisor: Seliverstov Vyacheslav Ivanovich – Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.


Publication list:


Articles published in journals with a non-zero impact factor and cited in international databases:


  1. Aizhan Ryssaldiyeva, Gulzat Zhunisbayeva, Gulaina Osmanova, Akmaral Magauova, Aida Kuatova Realization Of Preventive Functions Of Criminal Punishment Through The Institute Of Exemption// Opción Journal, ISSN: 1012-1587/ ISSNe: 2477-9385 Año 35, No. 88 (2019).- Р. 394-414

Articles published in publications included in the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  1. Zhunisbayeva G.N. “Практика пробации в странах международного сообщества”, international popular science journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”, No. 6 (67), 2017, pp. 61-68
  2. Zhunisbaeva G.N. Dzhumabaeva K.A. The role and importance of probation in Kazakhstan. International popular science journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” No. 1, 2020 pp 208-211
  3. Zhunisbayeva G.N. Dzhumabaeva K.A. Resocialization of citizens within the framework of the probation service International popular science magazine “Science and life of Kazakhstan” №1, 2020 Page 212-217

Articles published in other publications, materials of scientific conferences, etc.:


  1. Probation as a form of social and legal and criminal law influence in the modern penitentiary system. Criminal policy and law enforcement practice. International scientific and practical conference November 2, 2018, St. Petersburg, pp. 145-154
  2. Issues of re-socialization of citizens who are in the orbit of the penitentiary system, as paramount positions in the criminal policy of the state. Theoretical and practical problems of the development of the penitentiary system in the Russian Federation and abroad. Collection of abstracts of speeches and reports of the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Ryazan, November 28–29, 2018), pp. 271-282
  3. Organization and activities of the probation service in foreign countries. Innovative entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life: Proceedings of the ISPC December 12, 2018: in 3 parts. – Almaty: Turan University, 2019. – pp. 286-290

Department reviewers:


  1. Rekhson Svetlana Nikolaevna – Associate Professor of the Department “Jurisprudence and International Law”, candidate of legal sciences. Associate Professor of HAC RK3.
  2. Alaeva Gulnaz Tursunovna – Associate Professor of the Department “Jurisprudence and International Law”, candidate of legal sciences
  3. Kemali Yerzhan Sagindykuly – Associate Professor of the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law”, Candidate of Legal Sciences

External Reviewers:


  1. Batyrbaev A.K. – Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Almaty Academy named after Makan Esbolatov Ph.D. in Law, Police Colonel
  2. Esteusizov E.N. – Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Almaty Academy named after Makan Esbolatov Ph.D. in Law, Police Colonel
  3. Abdrakhmanov B.A. – Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines and Law Enforcement of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunaeva Doctor of Law, Professor
Online admissions