The director of the NCE “Atameken” of Almaty awarded the rector of the University “Turan” Alshanov R.A.

Director of NCE “Atameken” Almaty Aituar Askarovich Koshmambetov awarded the rector of the University “Turan” Alshanov Rakhman Alshanovich with the medal “For loyalty to the cause” of the III degree for special merits in the development of the economy and private entrepreneurship, and also presented a letter of thanks.


Aituar Koshmambetov congratulated Rakhman Alshanovich on his 75th birthday and wished him long life in the circle of close people in health and prosperity.


“Your contribution to the development of education and science in independent Kazakhstan is invaluable. In addition to teaching and educating the younger generation, you are actively engaged in social and political activities. Thanks to your work in the field of education, today Turan University has become the leading educational institution in the country,” Aituar Askarovich noted.

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