Prize-winning places in Almaty sports tourism competitions for students of the department «Tourism and Service»

On October 16, competitions in sports tourism and tourist all-around were held in Almaty in the area of the Maloalmatinsky forestry. Teams of tourist clubs, educational institutions and sports schools took an active part in this competition in two age groups: adults and juniors. The team of the University «Turan» was represented by two teams of students of the 2nd year of the educational program «Tourism» of the department «Tourism and Service» of the University «Turan». In the process of passing the competition on the route, students applied the full range of knowledge and practical experience gained in the field of orienteering, techniques and tactics, teamwork during classes at the university.


According to the results of the competition, one of the teams of the university «Turan» took an honorable prize, showing an excellent time passing the distance, after which she was awarded bronze medals.


The team consisted of students of the 2nd year (a group with the Kazakh language of instruction): Sagyngalieva Adelina, Allomberganova Zamira, Serikbaeva Bibifatima and Diana Khainollaeva. Responsible for the preparation of teams, Professor, Ph.D. Vukolov V.N. and senior lecturer Berkimbayev T.B. Congratulations to the participants and wish them new victories!

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