Review of a student of the “Management” department about academic mobility program at the Academia Pomorska (Słupsk, Poland)

At the beginning of this academic year, a student of the “Management” Department  – Sergazin Eldar, having passed a competition, the winners of which are given the opportunity to go abroad to receive an education under the academic mobility program for one semester on a grant basis under the ZERO program, went to the leading educational institution of the Republic of Poland – Academia Pomorska.


At the moment, he is studying according to the European education system and, gaining new knowledge, participates in various projects. For example, in December, Eldar was invited to defend his scientific article on the topic “Problems of the modern global economy in the context of fundamental changes in the global financial sphere and the geopolitical situation” in Vienna, the capital of Austria, at an international scientific conference on Management, Economics, Business and Marketing.


We sincerely wish Eldar to successfully defend the honor of Kazakhstan’s education to achieve his goals!

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