City Rookie Tournament at Turan University

On November 12-13, 2022, the Novice Debate Tournament was held – one of the most important events for beginner debaters, in which pupils and students from all over the city took part. For two days, the university was immersed in an atmosphere of discussion and debate on a variety of topics, whether it was an economic or even a moral resolution.


More than 200 students and 42 schoolchildren of grades 8-11 from different educational institutions of Almaty took part in the tournament. During the tournament, socio-psychological, economic, political problems of our country were touched upon, and various ways of solving these problems were put forward by young debaters.


The debate tournament was held according to the British parliamentary format in the Russian league and consisted of a qualifying round, a semi-final and a final.


Debates are gaining popularity in our country every day. This kind of art not only teaches you to defend your point of view competently, but also contributes to the tolerant upbringing of children.

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