Conducting a language week «Know other languages, but respect your native language»

On September 19-23, a week of languages «Know other languages, but respect your native language» was held at the University of Turan, organized by the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies.


The language week plan consists of the following steps: 


  1. September 19 is TikTok Day. Shoot a video in Kazakh and post it on TikTok;
  2. September 20 – participation in the question-answer section on the plot of the film “Tomiris”, published on the University’s Instagram page @life_turan;
  3. September 21 – each student must come to the university dressed in the style of their nationality;
  4. September 22 – speak only in the Kazakh language within the walls of the university throughout the day;
  5. September 23 – the day of summing up. In order to convey the importance of the native language and call for activity during the week of languages, special booklets were distributed to students and departments of the university. After watching the film «Tomiris», the students were invited to take part in the question and answer section on the Instagram page @life_turan.

The purpose of the language week is to instill in students a sense of respect for their native language, increase their language status, instill love for their nation and country.


Summing up: the event was attended by more than 350 students of all 1st courses who demonstrated their experience in accordance with the program of the event. Acting Head of the Department «Journalism and Translation» A.A.Kurmanbayeva presented certificates to students responsible for the week of languages, Ph.D., Associate Professor Ainur Karshigayeva and teachers of the department who attended all the events.

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