A solemn event dedicated to the Day of the national currency – tenge

On November 15, 2022, a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the National Currency – tenge, a professional holiday of employees of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Department of Finance and the scientific and innovative student club Financier, took place.


D.I. Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation, PhD, Candidate of Economic Sciences, addressed all participants with a welcoming speech and congratulations.


Joining the congratulations, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. presented certificates and diplomas to the students- winners of intellectual quizzes held in the colleges of the city.


Students of Narkhoz College, Almaty State Business College and Turan University College also took part.

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