Career guidance work of the department “Jurisprudence and International Law” in Semey

On November 26, 2022, on behalf of the head of the department “Jurisprudence and International Law” Ospanova D.A. Deputy Head of the Department Myrzataev N.D. and Dolda J.J. conducted career guidance work with students of the Faculty of Law of the Alikhan Bokeikhan University. As part of the educational programs of the master’s and doctoral studies of the department “Jurisprudence and International Law”, explanatory work was carried out for graduates, as well as answers were given to their questions. On the basis of a joint master’s program within the framework of mutual cooperation between students of the two universities, we plan to cover the areas of master’s and doctoral studies in the field of double diplomas, academic mobility and advanced training of teaching staff, development of relationships between colleagues.

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