Guest lecture by Natalia Kolesnik, Head of the training department of the travel company Today Travel, for students of the “Turan” University

On December 8, 2022, the Department of Tourism and Service, together with the Career and Leadership Center, organized a guest lecture in the form of a master class by the head of the training department of one of the largest travel companies in Kazakhstan, Today Travel. Natalia is a graduate of Turan University, an active sales coach, an accredited coach of the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction.


The meeting was attended by students of the 3rd year of the EP “Tourism” and “Restaurant business and hospitality”. The speaker in the context of the discipline “Cross-cultural communication in service” (senior lecturer of the Department “Tourism and Service” Burkitbay Assel) spoke about the importance of non–verbal communication and gave recommendations for the successful completion of the interview. On the part of the management, she told what the employer pays attention to and what needs to be prepared for. I conducted several business games, during which students came out of their comfort zone and opened up on the other side.


Also present at the meeting was HR Manager of the company’s Shurina Kristina, who gave her recommendations and answered the students’ questions.


The students learned a lot of new things for themselves and gave positive feedback.

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