III place among students of the OP «Tourism» in the V International Olympiad on technology and tactics of active types of tourism

1st and 2nd year students Alice Komarova, Imaganbet Kurman, Alexander Belousov, Anvar Akylbekov, Adelina Sagyngalieva, under the guidance of the teacher of the Department «Tourism and Service» Asel Eldarovna Uvarova, took the III place in the V International Olympiad on technology and tactics of active types of tourism. The team took part and performed at two distances – «Bundles», «Team». The Olympiad was held on December 9-11, organized by L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. There are more than 50 universities in Kazakhstan that train specialists in tourism, teams representing eight universities took part in the Olympiad on technology and tactics. The requirements for participation were traditionally high, starting from the list of equipment that the team had to be provided with. In the jubilee year, sets of necessary tourist equipment were purchased at Turan University.


Congratulations to the ambitious Turan Tigers team and good luck in further competitions!

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