«Turan» University hosted a round table on the topic “Discussion of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan: Investment in the future. Reboot of the state apparatus. The role of consulting” as part of the International Business Consulting Week 2022

The round table discussed modern practices, lessons learned and accumulated experience in the application of project management for:


  • Development and implementation of the company’s development and transformation strategy;
  • Entering new markets;
  • Modernization and diversification of production;
  • Attracting investments;
  • Development of a new software product;
  • Introduction of innovations;
  • Implementation of regional, sectoral, national projects and programs;
  • Construction of residential and industrial facilities;
  • Implementation of consulting, research and marketing projects;
  • Staff development, etc.

34 speakers from Japan, Great Britain, Romania, Austria, Singapore, USA, Central Asia, Russia and Kazakhstan spoke at the round table.


More than 2400 representatives of business, government administration, universities of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad also took part in the round table.


In general, the International Consulting Week demonstrated the growth of the organizational, intellectual, professional potential of consulting organizations, opened up opportunities for integrating the efforts of consultants for the development of Kazakhstan.

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