Guest lecture on the topic: “Certain procedural features of the consideration of cases in arbitration: problems of theory and practice”

On December 12, 2022, Duysenova Asel Erikovna held a guest lecture at Turan University on the topic: “Some procedural features of the consideration of cases in arbitration: problems of theory and practice”


Duysenova Asel Erikovna, Ph.D. in Law, Chief of Staff of the Arbitration Chamber of Kazakhstan, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan International Arbitration, Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of Private Law, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics “Adilet” of the Caspian University. Arbitrator of the Kazakhstan International Arbitration (KIA, Almaty), Vilnius International and National Commercial Arbitration (Lithuania). As an arbitrator, she took part in the consideration of more than 18 cases in the arbitration and arbitration proceedings. As part of the working groups, she took part in the development of draft laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments and additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and special parts)”, “On state property”, “On arbitration”, etc., the Concept for improving the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( 2006), Concepts for the development of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020, Concepts “Prospects for the development of civil legislation, civil procedural legislation and legislation on arbitration (arbitration courts) of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2009), Concepts for the development of civil legislation of the participating countries EurAsEC (2012).  Author of more than 70 publications on civil law and private procedural law (ARS law), co-author of an article-by-article Commentary to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and Special parts), scientific monographs “Objects of civil rights”, “Protection of civil rights”, Textbook for universities “Civil law” (academic course). Author and developer of the Interactive Course on Arbitration for Judges of the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Also December 12, 2022 between Turan University and Kazakhstan International Arbitration LLP, a Memorandum was signed on interaction and development of long-term, effective and mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the learning process, as well as to inculcate the necessary skills and abilities in practical activities for students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

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