On December 14, 2022, Turan University hosted an open lesson in the group “B1” of the Foundation faculty on the topic “From word to text”

On December 14, 2022, an open lesson in the Foundation faculty group on the topic “From word to text” was held at Turan University under the guidance of teacher Zhappar K.Z.. The purpose of the lesson was to repeat the materials covered. The students of this course were citizens of the UK, USA, Netherlands, China and Japan who came specifically to study Russian. During the lesson, students demonstrated effective comprehension of the material of the course “Russian language, level B1”. Each student told the guests about the possibilities of learning Russian in their countries. The open lesson was attended by the director of Marketing and admissions department Nurtayeva D.K. and invited teachers and Russian specialists of the Department “Journalism and Translation proficiency”. The guests noted that the students managed to achieve great success in such a short time.

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