Student of the «Management» Department, Sergazin Eldar has won the award in the republican competition « The Best Student of the Year»

This competition is organized with the aim of developing science and education in our country, namely, recognizing the successes of outstanding students of leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The organizer of the contest was the majority party in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Amanat”, as well as the National Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti”.


Sergazin Eldar was awarded the medal of the Best Student of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2022 and a certificate certifying a badge, as well as a Diploma of the III degree of republican significance and the prize of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Also, a letter of thanks appreciated the contribution to the development of education of the scientific supervisor of the winner, Yelshibekova Kuralai Zhanatovna.


We sincerely want to wish success to Eldar in his difficult path of improvement, and also express gratitude to Kuralai Zhanatovna for supporting young talents.

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