Stakeholder-based student studying

In order to develop practical skills, for the first time, students of the EP “International Relations” were organized training sessions in the disciplines “Kazakhstan and the UN” and “Diplomatic Documentation” on the basis of stakeholders – the UN Office in Almaty and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.


On January 30, 2023, 3rd year students of the educational program “International Relations” were awarded certificates of successful completion of the courses “Kazakhstan and the UN” and “Diplomatic Documentation”. The lecturers were the Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications V. Samek and the Head of the Political Cooperation Department of the MFA of the RK in Almaty A. Arenova.


During the course, students received in-depth practical knowledge about negotiation, the rules and principles of compiling diplomatic correspondence and documentation. The course “Kazakhstan and the UN” is aimed at studying the role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the activities of the UN, as well as the role of international organizations, in particular, the UN in the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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