“Tournaman” Debate Tournament

On March 12-13, the annual Tournaman debate tournament was held at Turan University, in which students of private and public educational institutions of Almaty were able to participate.


For 2 days, more than 150 participants of the debate games fought for prizes in this tournament.


As a result of the competition , 2 teams took 3rd place:


A team with a creative name – 3 Tatars and a thief Kazakh, whose participants are – Enlik Baizulina, a student of the Almaty Boarding School for Girls named after Shamshi Berkimbayeva, Abisheva Amin and Bolatov Merey, students of Gymnasium N12 named after. Shokan Ualikhanov.


And a team with an equally interesting idea in the name – The Boys.


The participants of which are excellent students of the college “Turan” – Anna Lutak, Kamilla Jalilova and Dilnaz Shakaeva.


The bronze medalists received a 50% discount for 1 year of study at the University of “Turan”!


the 2nd place and a grant for 1 year of study at the University of “Turan” was received by the team – Valentino!


The participants are students of the Almaty school-lyceum Dandessova Aigerim and Nursultan Anat, as well as Tabyldy Kemal, a student of the CHSHK “Magister”.


An honorary 1st place and a grant for 2 years at Turan University was awarded to a team from the International School with the same name of the team – Haileybury: Aruzhan Kul Mohammed, Anuar Kul Mohammed and Tomiris Kamitova!


We are sure that debates help students to argue their position, increase their legal culture, civic engagement, as well as develop the ability to think creatively and critically, work in a team.


Therefore, we congratulate the winners and wish them to reach new heights!

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