Meeting with schoolchildren of Lyceum № 24 in Almaty

On March 17, 2023, within the framework of career guidance, the Senior Lecturer of Jurisprudence and International Law, Master of Laws Tulebaeva A.S. and representatives from organizations of the organization “Sanaly urpaq”, “Madeniet alany”, “Studenttik kukyk comiteti” at the department “Jurisprudence and International Law” met with schoolchildren of Lyceum № 24 in Almaty.


The meeting was held with future applicants, its main purpose was to help in choosing the profile of education and the scope of future professional activity. During the meeting, students were informed about the content of the bachelor’s degree programs of the Turan University in the educational programs “Jurisprudence”, “International Law” and “Corporate Lawyer”, about the prospects for studying abroad, employment and career growth. As well as organizations at the department showed presentations, explained the goals and objectives of their organizations.


The conversation aroused great interest among the high school students and many questions, to which meaningful answers were given.

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