Advanced training courses for teachers of the Finance department organized by the International Educational and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring of the Russian Federation

In the period of April 04 – 06, 2023, the value-communicative forum “Staffing of national AML/CFT systems” was held in Moscow (Russia), organized by the International Educational and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which advanced training courses were held. In order to exchange professional experience and develop skills in the development of the Master’s innovative OP “Financial Security”, our employees of the University “Turan” – Dean of the Faculty of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor Mukhamedyarova-Levina T.T. and senior lecturer of the Department “Finance” Markelova M.A. took an active part in this event.


The following issues were considered during the courses:


  1. Value-communicative guidelines for the implementation of educational programs in the field of AML/CFT.
  2. Frames for the AML/FT system. Selection criteria for passing the state civil service. Career tracks and personnel risks.
  3. Corporate ethics and effective communication in the implementation of the personnel policy of the financial sector in the AML/CFT system.


Also, our representatives of the Turan University of the Finance Department took part in the 18th meeting of the ISI Council, organized on the territory of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at which they spoke on issues of prospects:


Chikhanchin Yu. A. – Director of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, Chairman of the ISI Council, Deputy Chairman Organizing Committee for the Preparation and Holding of the International Olympiad on Financial Security


Mironov – Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation


Afanasyev D. V. – Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Head of the Executive Committee of the International Olympiad on Financial Security


Andronova M. Yu. – General Director of the International Educational and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring (IUMCFM)

Online admissions