Students of the department “YuiMP” in the annual international competition “The best experts in forensic science and forensics – KrimEx-23”

On April 7, students of the University “Turan” of the Faculty of Humanities and Law took part in the annual international competition of professional skills “The best experts in forensic science and forensics – KrimEx-23”, organized by KazNU. Al-Farabi together with the “Center for the Study of Problems of Combating Crime”.


The Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” of the University “Turan” submitted to the competition 2 teams of students of 3 and 4 courses, specialty “Jurisprudence” for participation in the Kazakh and Russian languages:


  1. Gabdolla Nazerke Bolatbekkyzy
  2. Darapova Nazerke Rahmatullakyzy
  3. Toktarbekova Madina Erlanovna
  4. Mels Ansar Eldosuly
  5. Rozhan Nurzhigit Toktamuratuly
  6. Kalymzhanov Zhasulan
  7. Abildabek Temirlan
  8. Safarova Rusalina
  9. Sarsengaliyeva Victoria
  10. Mammadova Liliana

The competition consisted of 4 stages, including theoretical and practical knowledge in forensic science and forensic science (forensic technology and tactics, appointment of forensic expertise). According to the results of the competition, the teams of students “Turan” were awarded Diplomas in the nominations “En uzdik test zhauaby” and “En shygarmashylyk top”.

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