X Republican Student Subject Olympiad In Logistics

April 26 , 2023 at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev the X Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Logistics was held. The purpose of the RSPO was to activate the cooperation of students of various higher educational institutions, the development of non-standard thinking in solving logistical problems, the formation of a conscious understanding of the importance of the chosen profession among students.


The first place was taken by the 3rd year students of the Logistics Department of the 9th Turan University) Sayfatova Sevil Bakirovna, Satybaldy Ayaulym Yerbolatkyzy, Fatima Faridovna Regimetova. The scientific leaders of the team were the teaching staff of the department “Marketing and Logistics” Smailova Bakhytgul Kazhkenovna and Kadyrova Korlan Zharylkasymovna.


Congratulations to the winners and wish them further victories in their studies and future professional activities!

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