Participation of students of the OP «Tourism» in the mountaineering contest «Peak of 28 Panfilov Heroes (4120 m)»

A group of 1st and 2nd year students of the OP «Tourism» took part in the mountaineering contest «Peak of 28 Panfilov heroes (4120 m)», dedicated to the 78th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, which took place on May 7 in the Small Almaty Gorge, along the route 1A of the complexity category.


A team of 4 people consisting of Alice Komarova, Egor Sanarov and Alexander Belousov, led by Asel Eldarovna Uvarova, a teacher of the Department of Tourism and Service, started moving from the Medeo skating rink on May 6. By 14:00, the group was already behind the resort of Shymkent and was gradually moving towards the Memorial of the fallen climbers. At 17:00, the Mynzhylky plateau was reached, where the camp was set up. On the plateau, you could meet groups of climbers who had already come, some went further and organized a camp on Alpingrad. It was necessary to quickly put up a tent and collect equipment for climbing the next day, as the sun was confidently going behind the mountain range.


The next morning, one team member became ill, and it was decided to split the group. Two people went to the peak: Sanarov E. and Belousov A., while Komarova A. and Uvarova A. remained in the camp. After the registration of the participants, the ascent began at 7:10. The sun had not yet had time to warm up the earth, the path was started in jackets. An hour later, the team was standing on the Alpingrad, which was already in the rays of the sun. The morning chill has passed. Taking off their jackets, the team headed to the lake Manshuk Mametova, whose donkey needed to put on a helmet, since stones often rained down from above. The lake itself was not visible, it was densely covered with snow. The Manshuk Mametova glacier was visible by 10.00, meanwhile, volunteers were hanging rope railings to organize the descent and ascent of the participants.


At 11:30, the team was standing on the Manshuk Mametova pass, there was very little left. Another 30 minutes on a pile of large and small stones – and you can celebrate the victory. After receiving certificates and taking a couple of memorable photos, the participants went down a little lower, because with every minute new participants arrived at the peak, the place was getting smaller.


At 12:40 the descent was started. The sun was already warming up the snow with might and main, and the relatively steady morning rise became wet and loose, acquiring the consistency of snow porridge and causing additional difficulties. After passing along the rope railing, the slope was no longer so steep, and it was possible to simply «roll down» to the camp.


In conclusion, I would like to thank the organizers of the event, namely the Almaty Mountaineering Federation, for the work done, the promotion of active recreation and the popularization of mountaineering.

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