Results of the II-round of the republican competition NIRS 2023 on the educational program «Information systems»

Results of the II-round of the republican competition NIRS 2023 on the educational program «Information systems»

Turan University is the basic university for the 2023 R&D competition on the educational program (OP) «Information Systems», according to letter No. 06-2/83-vn dated 03/15/2023 of the RSU «Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


61 works from 24 universities were submitted to the 2023 RWoS competition under the educational program «Information Systems».


After reviewing the scientific works of students, the university’s competition commission decided to submit for awarding:


  • Diplomas of the Ministry of I degree – 1 job;
  • Diplomas of the Ministry of II degree – 2 works;
  • Diplomas of the Ministry of III degree – 3 works.

The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF I DEGREE is awarded to Aitzhanov Akhat Serikuly – 4th year student educational program 6B06101 «Information systems», University «Turan» scientific work on the topic: «Research and development of a mobile application for tracking CS:GO statistics», scientific supervisor – Kim E.R., Associate Professor.


The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF II DEGREE is awarded to Sagyntai Amina Kerimzhankyzy, Abdukarimov Sabyrkhan Kuralovich, Kuat Arai Kuatkyzy – 4th year students of the educational program «Information Systems» of the International University of Information Technologies, scientific work on the topic: «Development of a digital platform for the rental and sale of construction tools and transport», scientific supervisor – Kozhamzharova D.Kh, senior lecturer, PhD.


The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF II DEGREE is awarded to Islambek Sabitzhanovich Baratzhanov – 4th year student of educational program 6B06102 «Information Systems» of Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G.Daukeev, scientific work on the topic: «Development of a game application in a virtual reality environment», supervisor – B.B. Tusupova, Ph.D., Associate Professor.


The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF III DEGREE is awarded to David Mikhailovich Yangolov – 4th year student of the educational program «Digital Marketing» of the K. Sagadiev University of International Business, scientific work on the topic: «Development of the project of the online school of programming», scientific supervisor – Eleusinova A.U. M.E., senior lecturer.


The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF III DEGREE is awarded to Omarov Batyrkhan, Zhumazhan Madina-student of the 3rd year educational program 6B06102 «information systems» of the Almaty University of energy and services named after G. Daukeyeva, scientific work on the topic «creation of a mobile application of the guide to the University», Scientific Supervisor – Sydybayeva Madina Aldanyshevna, master, senior teacher.


The DIPLOMA OF THE MINISTRY OF III DEGREE is awarded to Kadyrkhanov Yerkebulan Mambetuly is a 3rd–year student of the specialty educational program 6B06100 «Information systems and technologies» of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, scientific work on the topic «Application of Data Mining technologies for forecasting socially significant diseases in Kazakhstan», scientific supervisor – Kubegenova A.D., Master of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer.

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