A new type of educational grant Target “ATYRAU-MANGYSTAU” has been defined

Dear graduates of Atyrau and Mangistau regions!

For the second year already, a new type of educational grant Target “ATYRAU-MANGYSTAU” has been specially defined for you. Graduates of 2023 from Mangystau or Atyrau regions can take part in the competition for this type of grant.

IMPORTANT: At the same time, persons participating under the grant of the Target “Atyrau-Mangystau” cannot simultaneously participate in the general competition, including “Serpin”.

Based on the results of the competition, the applicant is awarded a grant of the Target “Atyrau-Mangystau” according to the UNT scores, advantages, his choice of the Group of educational programs, region and university.

At Turan University you can choose two groups of educational programs:


  • B057 Information technology
  • B059 Communications and communication technologies

Turan university code – 093

For more information, please contact the university admissions office:

8 727 260 40 00

8 771 260 40 40 (WhatsApp)

Online admissions