«EAEU – are there prospects for further integration» round table

On May 29, 2023, the “World and National Economy” Department, together with the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (“Turan” University), Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi, the Institute of Asian Studies and the Institute for Security and Cooperation (Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi), held a round table on the topic “EAEU – are there any prospects for further integration”.


The round table brought together leading economists, experts and teaching staff to discuss the current state and future prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the role of Kazakhstan in deepening integration in the Central Asian region.


During the discussion, the current situation in the EAEU was assessed and the achievements obtained through integration efforts were identified. The participants expressed their recognition for the creation of a common economic space and free movement of goods, services, capital and labor between member states. They noted that the EAEU had reached a certain level of integration, which contributed to the simplification of customs control procedures, the harmonization of regulatory legal acts and the establishment of uniform rules for business. However, the participants of the round table also expressed certain problems and challenges facing further integration into the EAEU. It was noted that active assistance is needed to achieve more even economic development among member states. Participants drew attention to the importance of supporting economically vulnerable countries and addressing imbalances within the union in order to ensure sustainable and equitable development.


Regarding the role of Kazakhstan in deepening integration in the Central Asian region for sustainable development, the participants recognized the importance of Kazakhstan’s strategic position as a bridge between East and West. It was noted that Kazakhstan can act as a key player in strengthening economic ties between the EAEU and other countries of the Central Asian region. It can become the center of transport and logistics projects, as well as a platform for the development of trade and economic cooperation in the region. The round table participants stressed the need for further assistance to Kazakhstan in developing infrastructure, improving the business climate and attracting investment to ensure sustainable development. In addition, the importance of strengthening education, science and innovation in order to increase the competitiveness of the region and create conditions for sustainable economic growth was emphasized.


In conclusion, the round table emphasized that the EAEU has prospects for further integration and cooperation in the Central Asian region in order to achieve sustainable development. The role of Kazakhstan in this process is perceived as important and strategic, and it will have to play an active role in deepening integration and establishing stable economic ties in the region. Based on the results of the event, a joint collection of reports will be published.

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