Results of the academic mobility selection process in the 2023-2024 academic year

Turan University held a selection for participation in academic mobility in the 2023-2024 academic year


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan allocated six places for grant funding to the University of Turan for studying abroad in Europe and Southeast Asia.


As part of the academic mobility programs, negotiations were held with foreign partners of the university and agreements were reached on places for exchange for students of the University of Turan.


Following foreign partner universities provided free education during the semester:  Woosong University, SolBridge Business School, Daejeon, South Korea; Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Türkiye; Pomeranian Academy Slupsk, Poland; Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland, Lawrence Technological University, Detroit, USA.


The competitive selection involved 28 students applying for a state grant and studying abroad at their own expense (Zero grant).


On May 30, 2023, a meeting of the selection commission was held to shortlist candidates for studying abroad as part of academic mobility. Criteria for selecting students in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules for sending students to study abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility, by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2008 № 613: the average student score (GPA) is 3.0 and above; level of knowledge of English or Turkish (for Turkish universities) at the level of min. B2, submit a package of documents within the deadline.


The Commission recommended the following students for study abroad as part of academic mobility under grant funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:


  1. Seidumanov Alisher Manatovich, “Restaurant and Hotel Business”, 1st year
  2. Dauletkhan Altynai Galymzhankyzy, “Marketing”, 1st year
  3. Nurzhaubekov Bagdat Serikovich, “Information systems”, 1st year
  4. Mustafin Daulet Margulanuly, “Translation studies”, 2nd year
  5. Dzhumasheva Aruzhan Kurmangazykyzy,“Restaurant business and Hotel business”, 3rd year
  6. Asylkhanova Sofia Eldarkyzy, “Tourism”, 3rd year


The following students have been recommended to study abroad at their own expense:


  1. Almasova Nazim Bagdatovna, “International relations”, 3rd year
  2. Magzomova Akerke Talgatkyzy, “International relations”, 2nd year
  3. Kuatova Aselya Kuanyshbekovna, “Journalism”, 3rd year
  4. Naimanbayeva Damira Zaurovna, “Journalism”, 2nd year
  5. Zharykov Malik Nurlanovich, “Information systems”, 3rd year
  6. Ishmuratov Nail Alikhanovich, “Information systems”, 3rd year
  7. Shadykhanov Barsbek Emir Emilovich, “Public Relations”, 3rd year
  8. Yerlan Balym Yerlankyzy, “International relations”, 2nd year
  9. Amanzhol Aktoty, “Translation studies”, 3rd year
  10. Kelimbetova Gulistan Zhanabaykyzy, “Translation studies”, 3rd year
  11. Zhengis Aida Berikkyzy, “International relations”, 3rd year
  12. Rusakova Marina Igorevna, “International relations”, 3rd year
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