Participation of the President of the Society for Central Eurasian Studies prof. Ablet Kamalov in the CAMCA (Сentral Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum

On 15-16 June 2023, CAMCA Regional Forum centered on the theme “Uniting CAMCA: Progress and Possibilities” was held in Almaty. САМСА (Central Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum is a non-political and non-partisan Forum established to facilitate region-wide discussions on means of advancing economic growth and development in the 10 countries of the region: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Organizers of the Forum believe that this goal can be reached through dialogue and interaction among rising leaders and stakeholders of the region.


They invited Professor of Turan University Ablet K. Kamalov, who is President of Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) to sign Memorandum of Understanding between CESS and CAMCA. On behalf of CAMCA the Memorandum was signed by President of CAMCA Academy Murod Ismailov (Prof. of Tsukuba University, Tokyo). Among participants of the CAMCA Regional Forum were Dr. Frederick Starr (Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Forum, Washington DC), Sarah Tonucci (Executive Director of Rumsfeld Foundation), Caroline Savage (US Consul General in Almaty), Senator of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Shakirov, Senator of Parliament of Uzbekistan Sodyq Safoev and other politicians, businessmen, representatives of science and education.

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