Delegation of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited Turan University

The delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by the President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zakarya Kunsulu Daltonovna, visited the Turan University.


The meeting discussed the priority and promising areas and tasks of the university’s scientific research, the development of effective models of commercialization, training and improving the competencies in the field of research activities of teachers and doctoral students.


The rector of the Turan University, Professor Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich informed about the scientific and practical events held at the university, about the contribution of university scientists to the development of the region and readiness to commercialize a number of business projects and about the possibilities of the university’s infrastructure.


During the visit, the delegation was interested in the National Certification Center for Logistics in Kazakhstan, which is part of the European Logistics Association (ELA) at Turan University. ELA qualification certification is an impartial and independent assessment of the competence, level of knowledge, skills and work functions of logisticians, recognized by the international community and giving competitive advantages to Kazakhstani logisticians and recognition of their competencies in the global logistics services market. The uniqueness of this project is that ELA opens a representative office in only one institution in one country, thus, the National Certification Center for Logistics at Turan University is the first and only one in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in Central Asia.


The delegation noted another relevant platform, the first in Kazakhstan, the digital laboratory Apple Digital Lab, since the programs of the digital laboratory are aimed at developing the most demanded skills in the near future – programming and creativity. Today, the teaching staff of the University is part of the educational program of the global digital giant Apple: Everyone Can Code and Everyone Can Create.


Very favorable reviews were received on the activities of the research laboratory (R&D) “R & D-Laboratory of artificial intelligence and robotics” of the University “Turan” and the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering. Academician U. A. Dzholdasbekov. Today, the joint research laboratory integrates modern solutions of research institutes in the field of robotics and the development of scientific research into the educational process of the university, introducing artificial intelligence technologies, industrial automation, providing the interested circle of people with opportunities for training and advanced training on modern equipment, and also conducts joint scientific and methodological research.


During the visit, the delegation also got acquainted with the research and practical activities of such sites as the research laboratory of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association, the entrepreneurship training center of NCE Atameken, the forensic examination center, the laboratory for the study and correction of emotional states, the research laboratory for media linguistics problems , Bloomberg Terminal research laboratory, etc.


President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kunsulu Daltonovna wished the staff of the University “Turan” to strengthen the positioning of the university as a center of innovation, scientific and technological, personnel and production activity in the southern region of the republic. Science and higher education must be synchronized with the real needs of the economy of the region and the country as a whole. A comprehensive popularization of science is needed, it is very important to make science popular and interesting again, and a scientific career – a kind of big career springboard. Together we must return the status of a scientist as an innovator, as a person who moves and improves the world and our country.

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