Training seminar for museum specialists

On September 8, a training seminar was organized for employees of city and regional museums in the museum-reserve «Esik». The listers were Fayzullina G.Sh., Candidate of I.N., Head of the Department of «Tourism and Service» of the University «Turan» (topic: «The Hospitable Museum: the concept of social design») and Sergazina K.T., K.I.N., deputy. Editor-in-Chief of the Museum World magazine (Moscow, Russia) (subject: «Archaeological object in the museum exposition: interpretation, history»).


The training seminar was organized within the framework of an International scientific and practical seminar on the topic «Talgar and Koylyk settlements as components of the Silk Road: the Chang’an-Tien Shan corridor» within the framework of the UNESCO program for 2022-2023. The seminar was attended by scientists from the USA, China, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. During the seminar, the issues of the current state of the monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, their preservation, the progress of work on the objects were discussed. Foreign and domestic scientists shared their experience and exchanged opinions.

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