Accounting, audit and analysis in the conditions of digital economy development

Department of Accounting and Audit on October 13, 2021 online on the Google Meet platform at 14.00 h. an international student Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of the Accountant and Auditor was held on the topic: “Development of tools and methods of accounting, auditing and analysis in the digital economy” The conference was actively attended by more than 20 students of 2-4 courses and undergraduates of the Accounting and Auditing Department of Turan University, as well as students of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (5), Admiral State University of the Sea and River Fleet S.O.Makarova (5), Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (6), Samarkand state University of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and biotechnology (4), Almaty Management University (4), Almaty Technological University (4), National Agrarian University (4). Professors of the above-mentioned universities joined the conference (Stiller M.V., Nuralieva Ch.A., Alikulov A.I., Abdushukurov Kh.B., Dilmurodov F.N., Usmanalieva G.B. and others). Reports on current topics were awarded with diplomas.

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