Certification verification of the quality management system of Turan University for compliance with ISO 9001:2015

On October 27, 30, 31, 2023, Turan University underwent a recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. The audit was carried out by international expert D.S. Kapsalamov, who is an auditor of the certification body URS-Kazakhstan, which is the official representative of United Registrar of Systems Ltd in Kazakhstan.


United Registrar of Systems Ltd. is an independent certification body with offices in more than 44 countries. The quality of URS Ltd. services is ensured by accreditation in UKAS (Great Britain).


The quality management system of Turan University provides guarantees of the quality of educational services provided to consumers and stakeholders, allows top and middle management to make competent management decisions, to respond to any changes quickly, and to prevent or minimize possible risks for the our university.


Turan University, being the winner of the “Altyn Sapa” Award from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is actively improving its internal quality assurance system by maintaining and constantly improving its quality management system.

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