Participation of teaching staff of the Department “Marketing and Logistics” in the international trade forum “Tradex”

On November 1, 2023, in order to expand knowledge and networking, the teaching staff of the Department of Marketing and Logistics took part in the international trade forum “Tradex”. At the plenary session “Main Trends in Trade: Challenges and Opportunities”, the speakers were: R. Zhursunov – Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights, A. Yerenov – Chairman of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan, Jiang Wei – Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, Michel Yerkin – Consul General of the USA, R.Vladimirov – Chairman of the Management Board of Bankcentercredit, N. Mannapbekov – Head of the missions in Kazakhstan, Asian Development Bank.


In the discussion session “Logistics problems in new realities. How to build supply chains” were experts in the field of logistics TCS, Pakistan Magnum Cash&Carry, USAID, Fly Dubai, PTC Holding, 7R Logistic, Cargo Air Astana.


In the session “E-commerce and marketplaces. The main players and conditions of development” experts of Kazpost, Bankcentercredit shared their experience, , Clever market, Mastercard, CCPIT experts in Kazakhstan, KTRM, Kazakh Export, QazTrade spoke at the panel session “Development of an ecosystem for trade”.


Valuable knowledge and experience were shared in the panel session “Franchising in an era of uncertainty” – President of the Kazakhstan Franchising Association – B.Kisikov, CEO of KazFranch – A.Doszhanova and franchise owners: Lanzhou, KDL Olympus, Coffee Original.


Also in the forum as speakers were: Y. Bolotov, Managing Partner Bolotov and partners /Qazpatent – “Trademark Registration” and A. Melnikov, General Director of Basic Beauty – “Franchise promotion in the EAEU countries”.


The forum was held at the highest level, teachers received invaluable information from leading experts, practitioners in the field of logistics, trade, franchising of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. It is worth noting that the event allowed the beginning of new collaborations.

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