Partıcıpatıon of Nıyetalına Gaukhar, dırector of of doctoral studıes department, ın the Internatıonal EMI Congress (Entrepreneurshıp & Socıal Scıences Congress)

On November 7-10, 2023, the 9th International “EMI: Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences” Congress was held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). EMI Congress has been held since 2018 in different countries. The purpose of the Congress is to contribute to the development of academic, social and cultural capital with the participation of scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, public and private managers.


The Congress was attended by Gaukhar Niyetalina, Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Doctoral Studies Department, she prepared the paper the topic: “Innovative entrepreneurship: problems and prospects of development in Kazakhstan” and presented it. In addition, Saltanat Tamenova, Candidate of economic sciences, Professor, Director of the Center for Innovative Development of the Region, took part in the Congress. In total, more than 300 participants attended the Congress from 25 countries, and scientific research in entrepreneurship, management, social sciences and other areas were discussed. All participants in offline sections were given certificates. Based on the results of the Congress, each submitted paper is published in the “Abstract and Proceedings Book” with ISBN.


The 9th EMI Congress was organized in collaboration with Central Asian University, TEAM University, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan), Istanbul Nişantaşı University, Istanbul Gedik University, Manisa Celal Bayar University, CEO TEKMER (Turkey), Turan University (Kazakhstan), Eastern Mediterranean University (Northern Cyprus), University of Stavanger (Norway), Vizyon University (Macedonia), Van Horne Construction (Canada). Turan University is a co-organizer for the second time; in 2022, Vice-Rector for External Relations and Doctoral Studies Tayauova Gulzhanat participated in the EMI Congress.

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