Сompetition for the best scientific article, which will be held on December 7, 2023 as part of the Round Table “PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR FORMING HUMAN CAPITAL IN KAZAKHSTAN IN CONDITIONS OF DEMOGRAPHIC GROWTH” at “Turan” University



Dear graduate students, Master’s students and PhD students!


We invite you to take part in the competition for the best scientific article, which will be held on December 7, 2023 as part of the Round Table “PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR FORMING HUMAN CAPITAL IN KAZAKHSTAN IN CONDITIONS OF DEMOGRAPHIC GROWTH” at «Turan» University.

Based on the results of the competition, the best articles will be published in the collection of works of young scientists and students “Problems and prospects for the formation of human capital in Kazakhstan in conditions of demographic growth” with the assignment of an ISBN.

PhD students, master’s students and graduate students who show interest in the problems of mentioned area are invited to participate in the competition. The round table is interdisciplinary in nature and is dedicated to discuss current issues of human capital formation, sharing experience in the field of various areas of reconciliation activities working within this problem field.

Articles are accepted until December 7, 2023 by e-mail: a.tanat@turan-edu.kz and a.orazbek@turan-edu.kz (Topic: Competition “Best Scientific Article”).


Requirements for article design


Articles are presented in electronic form.

The text must be typed in Microsoft Word editor format; Times New Roman font; line spacing – 1.0; size – 14; paragraph indent – 1.25 cm; margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1.0 cm, top and bottom – 2 cm each. UDC is printed in the upper left part of the sheet.

Next, in the upper right part of the sheet, the author’s surname and initials, place of study, type of program, name of the educational program, year of study are printed.

In the middle of the sheet, the title of the article is printed in capital letters in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English), then an abstract in Kazakh, Russian and English (3-5 sentences), then key words (6-8 words) also in three languages. The following is the text of the article.

The article is allowed no more than 2 tables, made in Word, 2 figures (Word, grouped). Formulas can only be entered in the application – formula editor (Microsoft Equation).

References to used literature are printed in square brackets in the text, a list of references is printed at the end of the article (no more than 3-4 sources). The length of the article is no more than 5 pages. At the end of the article, please indicate your full name, address, telephone numbers (work and/or home), electronic mail (e-mail). Bold, italic and underlined fonts are not allowed in the article. The use of automatic and forced hyphenation, forced line breaks, and page breaks is not allowed.

Students may publish with their supervisors.


The active participation of young scientists in discussions contributes to the development of the scientific, technical and intellectual potential of Kazakhstan society. Human capital drives the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge. This means they serve as a solid basis for successful innovative development.


The Departments of “Management” and “World and National Economics” wish you fruitful work, creative inspiration and success!

Online admissions